Saying goodbye is really not so easy for me. I plan to tell my sensei a week before but hesitated for I don't want her to get sad anticipating our last meeting or prepare something for me. I just waited for this Sunday, Oct. 25 and reveal my situation to her. We started last year Nov. 2, 2008 and its almost a year now.
I didn't wait anymore for the actual anniversary to come though, for I don't want to heighten the emotions. I did not told her the real situation, If I can tell her that I'm a little bit off the budget and couldn't afford to take lessons anymore, I will really be embarrassed and so I just told her my alibi that I don't know yet if the company will still hire us for next year and due to this, I would like to prepare going home to my country for the coming weeks.

Of course, she felt sorry for me and she even told me that if I have a rest day, she would like to come over and meet my fiance and we can just have chat together. I really appreciated her good heart. I will miss her laughs and stories. I learned so much about Japan through her, and had fun talking in Japanese during Kaiwa (conversation) without hesitation. Surely if the pot gets full again, I will contact her (Online Sensei)and we'll have lessons during Sunday morn again. But if its otherwise, I hope she'll find another double chin but cute student in the future ;)

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