It was our Annual Physical Exam today. It will only take about 1-2hrs but I decided to also go to the Municapal Hall to get my Income and Residence Tax as preparation for my Visa Renewal so I took a whole day off. My first stop was the City Hall. I went out of the dorm around 11:35, 25mins before the staff's breaktime. I was very nervous that I wont make it on time. I still have to walk 15mins to reach my destination. Alas, I arrived at 10mins before closing time. I don't know what to do, so I went to the Registration for Non-Japanese counter, but I was entertained by a non-English speaker. I explained that I need to renew my visa and I needed Tax documents but she can't understand me/XD. So she called a Japanese staff, who is very fluent in English(with American accent) and I was so relieved. She accompanied me on the third floor to fill-up my application. According to her, since this is a local gov't, they can only provide my residence tax and income tax should be provided by my company. But when we reached the counter and she mentioned to her colleague that I will be applying for the renewal of visa, the man replied that I also need to fill up another form for the income tax and buy two stamps,one for each.
And afterwards he gave me the certificate. These are the forms that I received. I hope the name of the form is correct.
On the top with the pencil is the residence tax certification or juminzei shoumeishou
and the bottom is income tax certification or shotoku kazei shomeishou
Then I went to Yokohama and look for my building. Last year, I went to the Health Check West Exit Yokohama-ST Building 3rd floor and so I went there again this time... but I noticed that my form said that I'll be on the 23rd floor but I cannot find the elevator because elevators in that building only serves 1-18th floors. So I asked a man standing in front of the floor guide(but he is not actually a receptionist, only a maintenance staff maybe) if he knows where to find the elevator going to the 23rd floor. He was also surprised that we cannot find it, so I showed him the building written in Kanji, and he told me that it was located on the White building across the street. It turns out he's a good samaritan in disguise. He accompany me going to the right building and left me as soon as we reached the elevator with the 23rd floor. I was very thankful!
Then I proceeded to the clinic.I put my shoes on the locker and got a new pair of slippers before entering the premises. I was greeted by the staff and checked my form. She then told me to take off my clothes, just remain my undergarment and put on the provided clothes,which i can find in locker 35 in the changing room. I asked her if I can bring my phone so I wont be bored but she said "Sumimamen,dekimasen" (I'm Sorry you cannot) and I just said OK (I thought "zannen desu ne.."/sweat (Sayang nman, bka may libreng WIFI!))
Then I did the usual routine.
1. First you have to urinate on a cup until it reached 25ml and put it in the glass window inside the cubicle. As I was washing my hands in the lavatory, a lady went out of the cubicle and asked me where to put her cup( Hihi! Its hard to be a newb sometimes :D ) and I point and said "ah!, Zono mado no glass" (I mean "There in the Glass window"). I don't know if my grammar is correct but she understood, nice Nihongo practice I guess.
2. Then I waited in the seat as directed and my name will be called again by a different staff. When they call you, they will always ask if your name is correct because maybe they don't want to mistakenly switch results later on. Next stop is getting of blood pressure which will eventually proceed to getting of blood samples. They will get 3 test tubes of blood, and that made me really weak. In here, they will insert a needle in your arm, which is attached to a small slender tube conencted and on the end is the test tube that will then catch your blood. They will just change the test tube at the end after the other one gets full.

The tube connector touched my arm a little bit and I felt my blood was warm. Because I was not looking, I thought that my blood was oozing and it really made me sick /blur. I thought "Oh nurse please catch please catch.." then she said "Daijyoubu desu ka? (Are you OK)" and with wide-grinding-teeth smile I said "HAI, daijyoubu desu!" /please (Yes I'm ok but please be hurry!!!).
3. Next will be just getting your height and weight,then eye testing. For the height and weight, you will just stand in the scale facing backward and they will instantly get your measures. My weight went down to 50 from last year's 52. Huh I only shed 2kg after a year /floor. But I got taller by 2mm (as if it matters!). Then for the eye testing, the staff will asked you where is the opening of letter C. like for example U - up C - right etc.. There are 12 C oriented to Up, down,left or right getting smaller and smaller. On my left eye, I missed no.11, but on my right eye, I perfected the set. So the reading is 1.2 / 1.0. It make sense because Im a left handed, I might be using my left eye much also.
4. Next will be the test of your ears. You will be accompanied to a recording boot :P ,where youll be asked to put a headset and they will hand you a device with a button. Then, they will close the dark booth:D. If you hear the sound like throbbing "hn hn hn hn hn" you will need to push the button.Sounds will be coming from the right or the left ear and will get louder and louder until you push the button. They may also come in different frequencies, low and high, to test the range of what you can hear.
5. Next will be the ECG. I really was scared with this procedure. Aside from the fact, that this is the place where they will measure your waistline :))(which I dont know the connection to ECG btw), I felt like I will be toasted in an electric bed. Procedure is, you will lie on the bed and they will connect a big clip to each of your ankles and wrists, then they will stick some cold circular connectors like the one you use when you want to attach a windshield display.

These are the connecters I'm trying to describe but its just that you are lying on a bed.
6. Next will be your consultation to the OB-gyne. She will check your breast to see if there are any tumors. And and and... there was this incident that the assistant asked me to pull off my Zubon (trousers) and pants/shorts. I took my pants, and since I don't have shorts and trousers and pants are of the same thing, I left my undergarment intact. But when she notice that I'm still wearing something she told me to take off my pants again. That's when I knew that she was referring to the pant with a y. I wanted to correct her but hesitated because she might get offended.
7. Finally oh finally! /nobigdeal , the best part of the day, was a free coffee and small vanilla wafer. I think this is only serve for ladies. Well, its just part of the consolation. :)
8. Internal check-up (as they called it) was the final test I took. The doctor will just check your breathing through stethoscope, check your eyes and throat and ask you if you have fever. Then you are free to go.. Yahooo!!
Before I changed clothes, I took a picture of me secretly wearing the clothes they provided for a souvenir.
Afterwards, I strolled around and waited for Jovs and Alex to finish their APE in the other bldg. And at 4:30, we got the chance to grab our decent lunch. Whoa! what a day indeed!!!!
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