Thursday night, Joven was so uneasy at work. I can sense that there's something wrong. Then he went outside to get some air and I just have seen that he posted something on his wall on fb something like "you can make perfect plan but you cannot execute it perfectly. Its the people who loves you that will make it perfect.".. Hmmm I knew, his problem was the weather. It wont cooperate according to his plan.
Japan Metereological Agency (JMA), the one that predicts the weather accurately most of the time, said that it will rain next week starting at Wednesday. So he really need to readjust his plan for Tita France, Ate Cingle and Monisop. Between his click on the mouse and tap out of the keyboard, I can hear his sighs and I can't do anything at that moment. Then his leader passed by and I overheard him asked if there is something to do on the next day and apparently there wont be no urgent task for Video Team.. I can see him beam like the sun. After lunch I have seen this chocolate on the top of my desk with a note from him.

But the thing is.. I really can't go. I have to finished some tasks for the next day and I have to leave instructions to my teammates about the issue that I haven't solve yet. And so I gave him back this bar of chocolate. He never talk to me again after that.
Around 3pm, amidst my one halluva tasks coming right here and then, I remembered the chocolate. If I can only have a bite and follow the commercial's advice to "Have a break". I will feel much better. So as you might have guess, I swallowed my pride and asked him "Jan pa ba ung chocolate, penge naman" (Is the chocolate still there can I have some?) At first I had one bite then I thought to give it back, but there's this urge to bite some more and that more became half of the bar. Then I put it beside his desk, after 20 mins or so, it seems that he deliberately ignored it, I decided to ate the whole and said "Ui Sorry na" =P
Ei guys, nakakatuwa kayong dalawa! a simple things that make both of you sweet and special. Keep up the sparks in your relationship. God bless! Muah